In diretta dai mari italiani, gli avvistamenti ed i risultati delle ricerche dei soci dell'Accademia del Leviatano - ONLUS

giovedì 21 marzo 2013

Dalla Grecia al Tirreno

Questo è il commento di Myrto Tourgeli, una ricercatrice greca che è venuta a studiare le nostre metodologie per poterle applicare, in futuro, anche lungo le rotte nei suoi mari, alla sua prima esperienza sui traghetti della nostra rete...

Τρεις μέρες στην θάλασσα. Δυο μέρες παρατήρηση και πολλά ζώα, πολλή καλή επικοινωνία με το πλήρωμα και τους ερευνητες και πολλές πολλές καινούργιες επιστημονικές γνώσεις. Καπως  έτσι νομίζω συμπυκνώνονται οι εμπειριες ενός εξαιρετικού ταξιδιου για παρατηρηση θηλαστικών με το ινστιτουτο ISPRA και την Accademia Del Levientano .  Tελικά στην θαλάσσια περιοχή μεταξύ Βαρκελωνη- Ρωμη έχει πτεροφάλαινες!!!!!!!! φοβερό θέαμα!!!! Δεν περιγραφεται!
Myrto Tourgeli

Three days at sea. Two days observing and many, many animals. Very good communication with the crew and researchers, and a lot of new information and knowledge. This is the way to describe in few words the experiences of a great mammals observation trip during the ferry project of ISPRA institute and Accademia Del Leviatano. Eventually the sea area between Barcelona and Rome has fin whales and not only….!!! Awesome show!! I can’t describe it with words. So interesting trip that I will probably continue it for many many months!
Myrto Tourgeli